Ministry Focus 

University Students

 God has placed a special passion in our hearts for college students. College students are at a very unique, influential time in their lives. They are experiencing more freedom than ever! During these 4 years, they will make huge life decisions about what they believe and who they will be for the rest of their lives. They are open to new ideas and challenge everything they have been taught - this is why we lose so many of our Christian youth when they go to the university. It is our goal to help our Christian students remain strong, grow in their faith, and even impact their campus. We also have a small window with the students on campus to challenge them in their beliefs and share Christ with them. 


The ministry is Lifegroup focused. It is our goal to relationally invite students to our Lifegroups where they are met with a time of connecting, guided discussion, and truth. The relationships being built are impacting lives. Students are coming, getting saved, inviting their friends, and their friends are getting saved! God is doing amazing things. Read just a few of these success stories at the link below! 


 Our primary role is to identify, disciple, and train leaders - equipping them with the tools they need reach their campus. We believe that students reach students best. There is nothing more powerful than a peer sharing their story of how Jesus changed their life. We also spend a significant amount of time casting vision in our national churches to help them catch the vision for reaching the universities. The campus is a desperate situation, and our churches simple do not understand the realities the students are facing.


Finally, one of our newest, but most exciting roles is as directors for our new internship and experience programs. These programs and designed to create & equip people to reach the universities of Latin America Caribbean (LAC). In LAC we have 40 countries, and only 11 have any form of university ministry. Help us reach the remaining 29 countries! To learn more, visit

Learn about the campuses in Costa Rica and hear the story of Johel!

Community Development Programs

As Americans, sometimes we have the tendency to find a “quick fix” when we are faced with an overwhelming need. We see poverty, so we organize food drives and gather clothes to hand out. We ourselves provide for the needs we see in other people. However, many times this can do more harm than good in other countries. It can put local food and clothing stores out of business –which only adds to the issue of poverty. It teaches people in poverty that they are not able to help themselves – that their best option is to allow us to provide for them. This creates dependency which pushes them farther and farther into the hole of poverty. 


God has placed a different approach in our hearts for ministering to the impoverished in Costa Rica. We desire to create a community-driven ministry that will empower and equip those who are in need. We will immerse ourselves in the community that we want to affect and develop strong relationships with the people of that community. By listening to them, we are able to give them respect and have a more accurate understanding of their priorities. We do an assets and needs assessment of the community, working side-by-side with the people who live there. Then, together, we use their local assets to create a long-term, permanent solution to the largest problems facing the community such as poverty, drug addiction, abuse, etc. 


By creating a community-driven ministry, we are able to give respect and independence back to the people of the community. By identifying the root of the problem, we are able to do more than a “quick-fix”. We are able to create a self-sustainable ministry that will permanently change a community for God. We are so excited to use our God-given passions to help the people of Costa Rica and, more than anything, we can’t wait to share how incredible our Savior is with them!