Be a LifeChanger

LifeChangers make ministry happen in Costa Rica in three ways: they pray, they give, and they go. We hope you'll consider doing all three!  

Pray - Will you commitment to lifting us, and our student leaders, up in prayer every week? Prayer changes lives. 

Give - God calls some to go and some to send. Help us fulfill our call to go by fulfilling your call to send. To be on the field, it requires LifeChangers like you to make a monthly commitment to support the ministry. You can be someone who makes a difference in the world! 

Go - Would you consider giving a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime to see God use you change lives? Contact us and we'll get you started!

*If you prefer to give via mail, checks can be sent to the address below. Checks can be made out to "AGWM" and be sure our name and account number is included in the memo line (Adam Quinn, 2951358)



1445 N Boonville Ave.

Springfield, MO 65802